Brelan: A Journey Through Cards and Centuries


Brelan, a renowned French vying game, once graced the tables of gamblers and card enthusiasts alike. From its origins as a dice game to its evolution into a precursor of modern poker, Brelan has left an indelible mark on gaming history.

The Early Days: Dice and Tables

In Old French, a brelan referred to a table where dice were rolled. By the 17th century, Brelan had transformed into a card game, appearing in an edict from Lille, France, in 1458. Contrary to popular belief, its card-playing significance emerged later, and it danced alongside other games like Primero and Primo visto.

Brelan’s Rise and Transformation

In Crébillon’s 1763 novel, “Le Hasard du coin du feu,” Brelan took center stage, captivating readers with its intrigue and stakes. Across the English Channel, Brelan evolved into Brag, emphasizing bluffing as a strategic element. Eventually, it blossomed into Bouillotte during the French Revolution.

The Card Play

  • Players: Three, four, or five
  • Deck: 32 cards
  • Deal: Each player receives three cards, with a fourth turned from the stock.
  • Hands:
    • Brelan Carre: Four of a kind, aided by the turn-up card.
    • Simple Brelan: Three of a kind (also known as prial).
    • Brelan Favori: Pair royal composed of two hand cards and the turned card.

Legacy and Influence

Experts believe that Brelan, along with other early card games, contributed to the formation of modern Poker. The ancient European ancestor of Poker traces back to the French game of Gilet (Gillet or Trionfetti).

Is Brelan Still Played Today?

Regrettably, Brelan’s once vibrant tables now lie dormant. The game has faded into obscurity, overshadowed by more popular card games. Here are a few reasons for its decline:

  1. Complexity: Brelan’s intricate rules and specific deck requirements deter casual players.
  2. Lack of Marketing: Unlike Poker or Blackjack, Brelan lacks widespread promotion and exposure.
  3. Regional Appeal: Brelan’s popularity was largely confined to specific regions, limiting its global reach.


Brelan, once a lively contender at the gaming tables, now rests in the annals of history. Its echoes resonate through time, connecting us to a world of chance, strategy, and camaraderie.

Remember, whether you’re a seasoned card player or a curious novice, Brelan’s legacy lives on, waiting to be explored.